Daughters of the air II


[eng]  “Daughters of the air II”  – original, acrylic painting on canvas board, 18 x 24, 2023.

[pol]  “Daughters of the air II “ – Oryginalny, akrylowy obraz na desce, 18 x 24 cm, 2023, cena regularna: 219 PLN

“Then they gazed sadly into the seething foam, as if they knew she had hurled herself into the waves. Unseen by them, she kissed the bride’s forehead, smiled upon the Prince, and rose up with the other daughters of the air to the rose-red clouds that sailed on high.”

“The Little Mermaid”, Hans Christian Andersen




“Then they gazed sadly into the seething foam, as if they knew she had hurled herself into the waves. Unseen by them, she kissed the bride’s forehead, smiled upon the Prince, and rose up with the other daughters of the air to the rose-red clouds that sailed on high.”

“The Little Mermaid”, Hans Christian Andersen

[eng]  “Daughters of the air II”  – original, acrylic painting on canvas board, 18 x 24, 2023.

[pol]  “Daughters of the air II “ – Oryginalny, akrylowy obraz na desce, 18 x 24 cm, 2023, cena regularna: 219 PLN



Additional information

Dimensions 18 × 24 × 0,5 cm


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